Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Enough of hijacked democracy - it is time to serve the people - Yehuda Draiman
Enough of hijacked democracy - it is time to serve the people - Yehuda Draiman
Democracy has been hijacked by the special interest groups/lobbies’. Our elected officials are beholden to the 'money vote' people only.... Not their Constituents who are YOU.
Special interest money from unions, businesses and various racial groups buy the direction of Congressmen and other elected officials, which corrupts the lawful intent of fairness for all. The common citizens do not have a 'real' voice in the selection of their own representatives because you don't have the money to waste. BUT YOU DO HAVE A VOTE. Our elections, local, state or national, are all a 'show election'; not unlike those in Socialist, Nationalist, and Communist nations. Those winning an election are simply beholden puppets of their special interest, and lobbyists’ Money Masters. When ''elected officials'' are knocked out of office they become Lobbyists and never come back home to their constituents whom they pretended to represent. And around and around it goes with government. Until now!
The "Vote Organization" developed and sponsored by YJ Draiman intends to gather the vast majority of the people who have been used and ignored by our current 'elected officials'.
The people who feel that their VOTE does not count, nor matter. Those who have become apathetic, fostered by the 'one sided' actions of the 'majority of politicians' who currently occupy their elected offices.
All elected officials, by law, have a duty under oath to represent ALL of the citizens; not the special interests of a minimal few whose demographics 'are not the image of your majority will'.
You are all too familiar with these officials who disregard their sworn allegiance ''oath of office''...regarding laws for the betterment 'of ALL the people (YOU) and by ALL the people (YOU).
This has gone on for far too long. That is why 40% of those citizens registered to Vote "Don't Vote in ANY election"! And those who are not registered to vote 'do vote' leaving you out by a 2 to 1 ratio or better.
Since you did not vote and exercise your constitutional right. You, the citizen, the people of the USA, in every county, every city and every State outnumber the Special interest Groups and their minions of "attitudes of Minority Rules". These people do not accept the coercing 'special interest' monetary-vote. In gathering the vast numbers of apathetic registered citizens to vote we, a cohesive force by sheer numbers alone, are The Majority.
Join us in the "Vote Organization" and take back your neighborhoods, our cities, our states and our country...
We can retake our government and place candidates whose allegiance is to the people as a whole. We can place candidates who care about the people, our neighborhoods our cities, our states and our country.
"It was a splendid population - for all the slow, sleepy, sluggish-brained sloths stayed at home - you never find those sorts of people among pioneers - you cannot build pioneers out of that sort of material. It was that population that gave to California a name for setting up astounding enterprises and rushing them through with a magnificent dash and daring and a recklessness of cost or consequences, which she bears unto this day - and when she projects a new surprise the grave world smiles as usual and says, "Well, that is California all over."
Yehuda Draiman
Government by the people, for the people
A corrupt government in Los Angeles is a failed government! - Yehuda Draiman
A corrupt government in Los Angeles is a failed government! - Draiman
Any politician running for any office in the city of Los Angeles in 2013 who makes statements like the following, regard these statements as red flags as to the type of job they will do once in office. Politicians who refuse to confront the single most important issue in Los Angeles Today are not only in denial, they are unfit to hold the office for which he/she is running. They are complicit in the crime of usurpation and are unwittingly revealing to you he/she will—once in office—place his/her career above the integrity of LA’s city government. Any politician who places his career above his city and country is a traitor. This type of politician can and will be easily corrupted by bribery, intimidation and special interests groups who care only about their own agenda and not the people.
Corruption is insidious; a viral infection that turns cancerous if ignored over time — and that is what has happened to the city government of Los Angeles.
For decades, the city’s business and civic leadership has stood by with a wink and a nod and sometimes their active participation as developers, contractors, unions and other special interests bought the politicians with campaign cash and reaped fabulous profits on their investments in the form of sweetheart contracts, subsidies, tax breaks and other lucrative benefits.
The point here is that we all as Angelenos must determine the direction we want to go in, the kind of people we want to see in LA’s City Hall and the focus we want our Los Angeles city government to have. Such a perspective forces us to think beyond a single person and his/her rhetoric and promises to see what the shape of the future is. Do we Angelenos are fools enough to elect current elected officials as Mayor or any other position, after they have presided over a failed and dysfunctional LA city government for the past 12 years.
Therefore, candidates, tell me who you plan to put in your cabinet, why, and what your practical goals are. Do not tell me what you think or what I want to hear, or nice sound bites, tell the truth about how you will contribute in concrete terms to the city of Los Angeles economic and financial health, how are you planning to turn our city around and make it flourish.
Bring the City of Los Angeles to Economic Health! - Yehuda Draiman
Bring the City of Los Angeles to Economic Health!
Elect Yehuda Draiman for Mayor in 2013
In your hands, my fellow Angelenos, more than in mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course. Since this city was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe.
Now the trumpet summons us again - not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are - but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation" - a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.
If you want to make a difference in your life and the life of the City of Los Angeles – Bring back our City to prosperity –
Elect Yehuda YJ Draiman for Mayor on March 5, 2013
The Ethics of Governance – Yehuda Draiman
The Ethics of Governance – Yehuda Draiman
When we have a set of principles, of values, which we have been learning for many years, we organize our life following this structure, and then we try to apply that frame of mind to practical situations in our life. But often, we find ourselves in a sort of uncomfortable position because the moment we try to apply our values to this very present practical issue, we feel that the situation is not as clear as we would like, that we can not tell very clearly which is the best possible alternative. Often, it is not a choice between good answers and bad answers, good and evil, but maybe between two good things or two bad things. We would like to be much surer about our decisions.
When this happens in government, it is even worse because the whole society and beyond is affected by your decision. You are not dealing with your own life. You are dealing with many millions of lives at the same time. Maybe things will never be the same again in the future because of your decision. Hence, ethical decisions in government are; How do you apply your theoretical values to practical decisions where you do not have pure answers and when the whole life of your society or community will be affected?
You have more or less the same system dealing with the problems in government. You need all the facts. The facts can be the symptoms or the problem. You never know which is it at the instant you start analyzing the problem. Thus, you get the facts, and afterwards you try to make some sense of them. You have some theories or hypothesis of what is causing the symptoms. In addition, you try to implement the course of action. Only after you have consulted with your advisers, you want to have as much input as possible.
You also have to deal with the problem in ethical terms. The ethical approach is the Utilitarian. You have to balance how much good and how much evil you produce with your actions. If the good outweighs the evil, you should do it, as it is a sort of balance. The second is based on the concept of rights. There are some basic human rights that you have to respect. You are not allowed to affect those human rights in order to produce positive affect in your society. The third one is founded, on the concept of justice or fairness. We have at least three different concepts about justice. You can have distributive justice in which you try to distribute all the goods of the society according to the needs of the people. However, you can also have the concept of contribution. In this case, you are not receiving on the base of what you need but on the base of what you are contributing to society. In addition, you have the compensation concept. In this circumstance, you have the right for compensation if you have losses or harm done due to others. The fourth major ethical approach is a foundation on virtues. The question is not what I should do, but what kind of society would I like to have in the future. How are my actions going to contribute to that future? In addition, you have the common good, the concept in which you are doing things that are equally good for everybody in your community.
The sun is an asset to everyone, we have to know how to harness its rays within us and warm the heart.
Should the sun warm only the individual heart, to skip on others, on the community and the nation?
It is predicated on the individual’s personality, the compassion, the treatment of his fellow person, to the community and the nation.
Yehuda Draiman
Electric cars are they conserving energy? Rev5
Electric cars are they conserving energy? Rev5
Ask yourselves what is the real cost of “Electric Car”?
Note: Electricity is a secondary form of energy derived by utilizing one form of energy to produce electric current.
Let us look at the facts:
In order to produce electricity, we need some form of energy to generate electricity, whereby you lose a substantial amount of your original source of energy in the generation process.
In the process we are losing the efficiency of the initial energy source, since it is not a direct use of the energy.
Let us take it a step further. To generate electricity we utilize; coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear, hydro electric - water, photovoltaic-solar, wind, geothermal, etc. Many electricity generating plants utilize fossil fuel, which creates pollution.
Do you realize how much of the initial source of energy you lose to get the electricity you need for your electric automobile; you also lose electricity in the transmission lines.
Why are we jumping to a new technology, without analyzing the economic cost, the effective return and efficiency of such technology; while computing and measuring its affect on the environment?
Natural gas vehicles are a direct source of energy, where you get the most for your energy source – in efficiency and monetary value. Cost of natural gas to a comparable gallon of gas ranges around $1, it has higher octane and extends the life of your engine, it is also safer than gas.
The bottom line
When all is said and done, CNG is a decidedly unfashionable entry in the fuel-of-the-future sweepstakes, yet it may be the dark horse that wins the race. If your goal is to flaunt your green credentials, then go ahead and trade in your hybrid Prius for an all-electric Leaf. Meanwhile, the contractor down the block will buy a new dual-fuel F-250, or buy an aftermarket conversion kit for the beat-up model already in service. Which vehicle will make the greater contribution to energy independence, national security, and a healthy planet? You guessed it. The NGV, hands down.
In these hard economic times – I would think, you would want to get the most for your dollar – and not waste resources.
Another economic impact would be the loss of road tax on fuel, these funds are used to build and maintain the highway infrastructure.
“It is Cheaper to Save Energy than Make Energy”
YJ Draiman, Director of Utilities & Sustainability
Will High Electricity Rates Drive Innovation?
Escalating costs of OIL will produce innovation!
YJ Draiman's vision is to make Los Angeles as the World Capital of Renewable energy and conservation.
Electric cars are they conserving energy? No!
I worked with UPS in Chicago in the early 90's, researching the conversion of UPS vehicles to Natural Gas as a primary fuel with overnight slow fill stations on UPS compound.
If we are to survive the Energy crisis and become energy independent, we must utilize every effort not to waste our energy resources. Innovation and technology will eventually save the day.
Electric cars are a fiction of energy conservation, (Look at all the costs associated with such technology); it is not a viable option.
We must look into other forms of fuel, and invest heavily into R&D.
YJ Draiman, Director of Utilities & Sustainability
Energy & Utility Auditor, Energy efficiency analysis
Generating Energy Storage & A Combination Renewable Energy System
Generating Energy Storage & A Combination Renewable Energy System
“It is cheaper to save energy than make energy”
Any renewable energy system that is installed should have extra capacity and be able to convert water into hydrogen which will be used to power a hydrogen generator as a back-up power source.
We should install a renewable energy system that utilizes solar & wind, when possible add geothermal to the mix.
A design is needed for a renewable energy system that can generate electricity and heat water with a step down mixer allowing the system to provide water hot enough for radiant heating and at the same time utilize a step down mixing valve to reduce the water temperature to be able its use for hot water in normal consumption.
A thermal renewable energy system may be able to provide both.
Prior to sizing up a renewable energy system, an energy audit should be conducted and energy efficiency recommendations should be implemented, that includes changing habits in utilizing energy and utilities in general.
Habitual changes can save between 20 to 50% of energy & utility consumption.
When people are considerate not to waste, they save resources and money.
PS. Tankless water heaters & Rainwater harvesting conserves our water supply.
YJ Draiman, Energy/Utility Analyst
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
World class renewable energy innovation enterprise zone revealed for Los Angeles – Proposed by YJ Draiman – rev.4

World class renewable energy innovation enterprise zone revealed for Los Angeles – Proposed by YJ Draiman – rev.4
YJ Draiman welcomes an innovative renewable energy zone approach which will create 200,000+ new jobs over the next 5-10 years.
An ambitious project that will transform the way universities, business and industry collaborate, and establish Los Angeles as a world leader in the research, development and design of next generation renewable energy technology, was announced today, January 31, 2011. Spearheaded by the Draiman economic development agency, Draiman Enterprise, and National Technology Renewable Energy Zone, will be established in the city of Los Angeles with the Universities of Southern California Technology Innovation Development at its heart.
A large parcel of land will be allocated to set up the renewable energy enterprise zone site, which will be within the boundaries of Los Angeles. There will be an academic center which will be transformed into a center of excellence for academic research, commercialization and industry collaboration.
The renewable energy zone initiative, which would span further than the confines of the City of Los Angeles and include Southern California, is expected to create 200,000 + new jobs over the next 5-10 years and give a boost to the Los Angeles economy through further industry academia collaboration and inward investment.
Draiman enterprise Chief Executive YJ Draiman said: “This new vision of the Renewable energy Technology Innovation Center will be the cornerstone of Los Angeles Technology and Renewable Energy Zone. YJ Draiman’s vision for The Renewable energy Zone is to provide a breeding ground for ambitious companies to harness cutting-edge research, access the best people and develop the products which will shape the renewable energy industry of tomorrow.
“Southern California has already claimed a place on the renewables map attracting energy heavyweights and pioneers in the solar and wind sector and we believe that by establishing this zone we will help reinforce Los Angeles position as a location of choice for the rapidly expanding renewables industry.”
YJ Draiman said: “The Universities in the Los Angeles area’s Technology and Innovation Center is a transformational project for Los Angeles, building on California’s great tradition of innovating new technologies and developments in fields; including energy and engineering while creating and supporting hundreds of jobs. Through this collaboration, the aim is to quadruple the scale of research program investment in Los Angeles in areas key to economic growth by up to $10 billion + in five-ten years. “And now, as an integral part of Los Angeles Enterprise’s new Technology and Renewable Energy Zone, which aims to establish Los Angeles as a premier location for inward investment into world-leading technology and renewables research and development, we have the potential to deliver huge economic and social benefits, not only in Los Angeles but nationally and beyond.”
YJ Draiman said: “The Technology and Innovation for renewable energy zone will help transform Los Angeles and Southern California. By capitalizing on our leading, industry-relevant research, the renewable energy zone will attract billions of dollars of inward investment to the city of Los Angeles, drive global businesses, create jobs, and support the development of our highly-qualified graduates and postgraduates. “As a leading technological hub of Universities, they are committed to sharing knowledge to address challenges that affect every area of society, including energy, health, manufacturing and economics. The renewable energy zone will forge new levels of collaboration between researchers, the public and private sectors to accelerate the pace of research and development and deliver benefit to companies, the economy and Southern California.” The collaborative approach with the Universities, Los Angeles Enterprise and existing pioneering renewable energy leaders means that companies locating in the zone will have access to government support and some of the world’s best industry and academia in the fields of technology, engineering and energy. The project represents a supportive government and business environment where companies locating in and around the zone may be eligible for additional support for job creation, innovation and staff development, delivered through various California Enterprise schemes.
When the need arises we will establish facilities within the existing Zone that offer temporary accommodation for prospective tenants until construction of the research center is complete or, if required, a purpose-built industry engagement building is created within the Zone.
Renewable energy Zone is designed to draw on Southern California’s existing competitive advantage by providing the right business environment for the renewables industry to continue to grow and further develop. Recent announcements from industry leaders have reinforced Southern California’s position as a world leading city in solar, wind research and development. A leader in energy innovation with unrivalled human and natural resources in renewable energy, Southern California is building on its rich history of oil and gas exploration and developing an infrastructure to cement its position as a world class location for international companies looking to invest in renewable energy and Energy efficiency.
YJ Draiman for Mayor of Los Angeles
Americas financial sustainability begins with Made in America
Americans must wake up and take action to protect our liberty and way of life.
America must rejuvenate itself and become the huge industrial power it once was.
It starts by re-inventing the wheel and building manufacturing facilities in the United States that employ Americans who produce quality goods at a competitive price with space age technology and modernization.
Organized workforce and benefits has to be revamped to meet today's economic conditions.
Government and its bureaucracy must be reduced and streamlined. Rules and regulations must be revamped to be conducive to business growth and development.
This is a must in order to increase employment and bring back America’s economic vitality.
We could try to give tax incentives for products made in America. It brings revenues and employment, reduces financial drain on the government.
"It is cheaper to save energy than make energy"
YJ Draiman for Mayor of Los Angeles
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